+43 1 908 98 92
Report violation
Monitor report
Monitor report
Infos, FAQ
Anonymous internal reporting channel
Finalize message
Message to:
Nature of the offense:
Group of persons of the reporting party:
Status of the reporting process:
Country and period of infringement:
von bis
GUID and security code of the message:
security code:
I have looked at/copied/memorized the code
Documents and info e-mail
Please enter your e-mail address to receive notifications about the further process. Your e-mail address will only be stored for the purpose of notification and will not be passed on to the management. If you do not provide an address, you can view the history at any time using the codes above. Please keep the codes safe, they cannot be reconstructed without an e-mail address!
Contact e-mail:
Meldevorgang vollständig
File upload:
Here you can upload a file with additional information. Only PDF and JPG files are accepted, please convert all other file types into a PDF or JPG file beforehand.
Document: nofile
Finalize message
Finalize message
Use this form to report violations of EU law or sections 302 to 309 of the Austrian Criminal Code to the company management anonymously, securely and in accordance with
EU Directive 2019/1937
and the
Austrian Whistleblower Protection Act
. Please also note the possibility of using external reporting channels according to §15ff HSchG - see also