Anonymous internal reporting channel

VRVis GmbH

Abusive reports and malicious denunciation can be prosecuted by the authorities and under criminal law. State authorities can track down reporters despite anonymity.
  • Report to:
    welches Unternehmen ist betroffen?
    Donau-City-Straße 11
    1220 Wien
  • Your relation to the company:
    In welchem Verhältnis stehen Sie zum Unternehmen?
  • Type of violation:
    welcher Rechtsbereich der Union wurde verletzt?
  • Region of occurrence:
    In welcher Region hat sich der Vorfall (überwiegend) zugetragen?

  • Period from:
    wann ungefähr begannen die Vorfälle?
  • Period to:
    wann endeten die Vorfälle oder laufen sie noch?

  • Incident:

  • Overview of the incident:
    Short info about the incident

  • Description of the incident:
    Please describe the incident in chronological order with all parties involved
  • Confirmation:
    Criminal prosecution may be taken in the event of deliberately false or malicious statements.
    Confirm that this information is true to the best of your knowledge and belief.

GUID and security code of the message:
After you have saved your message, the identifier of your message appears here
Please keep these two codes for future access!
(Please fill in the field with the values from the image.)

File upload possible in the next step

Use this form to report violations of EU law or sections 302 to 309 of the Austrian Criminal Code to the company management anonymously, securely and in accordance with EU Directive 2019/1937 and the Austrian Whistleblower Protection Act. Please also note the possibility of using external reporting channels according to §15ff HSchG - see also Infofolder